Advanced form is used to quickly build form views. Using pro-form requires the use of defineForm functions.
Advanced forms are based on the principles of functional programming and abstract the form data into a JavaScript object. By manipulating and encapsulating this object, the form data becomes more reusable and maintainable.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
instance | ProFormInstance | - | The instance of the component |
grid | boolean | true | Enables grid layout |
cols | number | ResponsiveDescription | 24 | The number of grid columns to display |
x-gap | number | ResponsiveDescription | 0 | The horizontal gap between slots |
y-gap | number | ResponsiveDescription | 0 | The vertical gap between slots |
For more parameters, please refer to the attributes of n-form and n-grid.
Form Methods
Name | Type | Description |
validate | (paths?: string[]) => Promise<void> | Validates the form items, passing paths |
filters the parameters to be validated | | resetValidate | (paths?: string[]) => void
| Resets the validation, passing paths
filters the parameters to be reset | | resetFields | (paths?: string[]) => void
| Resets the form data to its initial values, passing paths
filters the parameters to be reset |
Field Methods
Name | Type | Description |
withConfig | (config) => WithConfigField | Carries and returns a new configuration |
preventDefault | () => WithConfigField | Sets the label and rules to empty |
preventRequired | () => WithConfigField | Removes the required rule from the rules |
preventAutofill | () => WithConfigField | Prevents browser autofill |
clone | () => WithConfigField | Shallow clones the field |
cloneDeep | () => WithConfigField | Deep clones the field |
Field Types
Name | Description |
date-picker | Date picker |
auto-complete | Auto-complete |
cascader | Cascading selector |
input | Input field |
input-number | Number input field |
rate | Rating |
time-picker | Time picker |
mention | Mention |
select | Selector |
switch | Switch |
slider | Slider |
radio | Radio button |
checkbox | Checkbox |
textarea | Textarea |
Name | Type | Description |
toolbars | () | Content of the toolbar. This slot is automatically enabled when using the toolbar mode. |